Quick Draw

Narwhals. Are. Awesome.

The other day I asked my youngest if there was anything he would like me to sketch. His immediate response: "Narwhals. Narwhals are awesome." And he is right, narwhals ARE awesome. They are strange and unique and mysterious and magnificent and I am newly obsessed.

Did you know, the giant horn sticking out of their heads is really not a horn at all but one gigantic tooth or tusk? And the other tooth in their mouth is regular sized?  People erroneously believe the tusk is used as a spear for defense, but this is not true! Some scientists think the tusk is used to attract mates. Most recently, researchers think the tusk is used to test the salinity and conditions of the water.  

Like I said, FASCINATING. I think they are my new spirit animal.


Vivian's Dream

I am teaching summer art camps this year. I LOVE it. There is something so liberating hanging around these wonderfully unencumbered thinkers. They brilliantly and refreshingly refuse to accept limitations to their thinking. To them anything and everything is fair game and I am eating it up. I can only hope they are getting as much inspiration from me as I am from them. 

Yesterday, one of my new little friends grabbed my hand and told me her dream.  "Sometimes, I wish I was a butterfly so I could fly around and see the world they way they do", she smiled. 

So Vivi, this sketch is for you. I hope you continue to dream and imagine all sorts of things and then share them with the world.

Vivi's Dream